Thursday, September 6, 2012

Learn English Kids

Welcome to the latest LearnEnglish Kids newsletter.


We hope you've all had a great August. For September we've added a whole new section to the LearnEnglish Kids website. We hope you and your learners like our new grammar monster too!

Our new grammar section on LearnEnglish Kids includes grammar videos, grammar games, printable worksheets, grammar reference cards, quizzes and downloadable tests.
The grammar section is aimed at children aged between 9 and 12 years and covers a total of 30 grammar points. Let us know what you think of it. As always we welcome your feedback. 

In our Grammar videos section children can watch Gran as she explains English grammar to Kitty and Max. Look out for Hero the hamster too!

After children have watched the videos they can download the grammar reference cards to help them remember the grammar rules. Learners can also complete the worksheets to check their understanding of the videos and practise their English grammar at the same time.

Children can have fun playing our Grammar games. They can practise English word order games, gap fill games and learn English grammar as they race to write correct sentences.

There are downloadable grammar worksheets for more practice as well as grammar reference cards to give learners extra help.
They can even collect the reference cards, personalise them and then make their own grammar book!

In our  Grammar quizzes section children have to find the correct and incorrect sentences and then, if they register on the site, they can send in their own sentences in English.

Then they can go to our Grammar tests section to check their understanding, read the grammar rule one more time and finally download the grammar tests to see how much they have remembered.

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