Monday, September 24, 2012

Їдемо в Київ

Шановні колеги, пропоную поїхати до міста Києва під час осінніх канікул , замість методичного об’єднання, у вівторок 30 жовтня.
Ми все оплачуємо самі – просто їдемо погуляти, навчатися, культурно розвиватися.
Думаю автобус знайти в Гадячі не проблема.
Якщо згодні, то  телефонуйте  або шліть смс  066-425-14-79
Будь-ласка виберіть музей і театр , який ви хочете відвідати і пишіть свої пропозиції до плану.
Наш план
Виїзд 5.00 або 6.00

ü  Вже домовлено - 9.00 (10.00) – 2 години  
Станція метро  «Палац Україна», магазин Dinternal book
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Friday, September 21, 2012

FLEX 2012 у Полтаві

6 жовтня 2012
10:00 ЗОШ №29, вул.. Алмазна 1, Полтава

Програма FLEX є безкоштовною та відкритою для всіх бажаючих. Вимоги щодо критеріїв участі у тестуванні у 2012 році наступні:
  • Дата народження з 01.01.1996 по 15.07.1998;
  • Навчатися в 8, 9 або 10 класі школи;
  • Вивчати англійську мову;
  • Українське громадянство;
  • Конкурсант не мав перебувати у США більш ніж три місяці впродовж останніх п'яти років. 

План роботи РМО 2012-2013

План роботи методичного обєднання
 на 2012-2013 навчальний рік

Math vs. Football

Super video about different methods of teaching

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Young learners

Crazy animals and other activities for teaching young learners
Edited by Fiona Copland and Sue Garton with Monika Davis
This is a book for primary school teachers of English written by primary school teachers of English. It brings together the experience and expertise of teachers from around the world to provide a range of stimulating and exciting classroom activities for the primary classroom.  There are 50 tried and trusted activities which have been refined and improved over the years by teachers working in diverse contexts and environments. Children will enjoy practising their English through these stimulating and motivating activities.
Over 1 000 teachers were contacted and asked to send their favourite activities for teaching English to young learners.  The most original and creative activities received were selected for this book. This book grew out of an Aston University - British Council research project called ‘Investigating Global Practices in Teaching English to Young Learners’.
This publication is free to download. Please note this is a large file, and may take time to download.
Crazy animals and other activities for teaching young learners

Pearson news

Destination Unknown?
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Would you start a lesson without knowing what you wanted to achieve?

This week our Professional Development focuses on planning with tips, articles, and advice to help you and your students get the most out of your lessons.

Take a look in Professional Development.
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Online Presentations
English in Common Do you teach or are you interested in teaching ESP?

If so, join us for our free online presentations on 24th and 25th September.

These webinars will cover English for the oil and gas industry, tourism, nursing and banking and will investigate how you structure an ESP course and prepare materials that will help students acquire the English they need to succeed in their chosen field.

For more information go to:
View the full list of exclusive presentations on offer for Autumn 2012
Plan the Exam
Nick Dawson Planning ahead for exams classes?

Preparing students for the new Proficiency Exam?
Find out about the exam changes, get expert advice and new resources for the 2013 CPE.
Article of the Month
Nick Dawson ‘Planning for the lesson, the term and the school year’

By Nick Dawson

One of the main roles of a teacher is controlling the use of time in the classroom. The success of a teacher’s work is measured by the learning progress which is made by each individual student in the class. Therefore, planning the use of time for effective learning is one of the teacher’s main management tasks.

Trembling with Anticipation
See all the London Holidays resources on offer So it's back to school time for some of you! Here are some things to get you in the mood.

First of all, why not get inspired by some favourite fictional teachers selected by ELTCommunity members. Then get some ideas for your lessons with people's warmer and icebreaker suggestions. There's also a great discussion on whether teachers are born or made.

Some articles that might interest you are Challenging Adolescents, a discussion of the transition from childhood to adolescence, and Classroom Management in Secondary Education.

As a subscriber to you can read about classroom management for primary learners and understanding your learners with classroom research.

Good luck with the new school year!

New for you
Should you use translation in class? Classroom Resources

Penguin Kids   Look no further…
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English in Common

Check out the colouring activities too!

English in Common
Are you looking for a general English course aligned with and totally mapped to the CEFR?

All 6 levels of New Total English are now available.

Find out more and download samples.
21st Century Learning
Roberto Balaguer Prestes Children Learning English as a Foreign Language:
21st Century Students and 21st Century Skills

By Roberto Balaguer Prestes

‘It’s a familiar scene — one that takes place all around the world. An adult is having issues with his computer. He tries to resolve them, but after a couple of attempts he decides to call his adolescent son for help...’

Read the full article
Spaces and Places for Teachers
Do you teach primary, teens or older learners? Click on the segment area below to access ideas, techniques and solutions specific to your classroom.
Primary Place Teen Space
Tertiary Place Exams Place

Don't forget, any queries, questions or suggestions please contact us at Wishing you a very happy September!

Emma Torjussen
E-Marketing Manager
Pearson ELT

FLEX 2012-2013

Программа FLEX 2012-2013 учебного года

Обучение в США Для того, чтобы принять участие в программе обмена FLEX в 2012-2013 учебном году (отбор будет проводиться осенью 2011 года) участники должны соответствовать следующим требованиям:
  • Дата рождения с 01.01.95 по 15.07.97
  • Учиться в 8, 9 или 10 классе школы
  • Изучать английский язык
  • Украинское гражданство
  • Конкурсант не находился в США более трех месяцев в течение последних пяти лет
Что необходимо иметь с собой для участия в конкурсе:
Освіта в США Все желающие участвовать в конкурсе должны прийти на место тестирования во время и день, объявленный заранее. Процесс тестирования в каждом из центров начинается с общей презентации программы и проведения первого тура конкурса.
Первый тур - это небольшой письменный тест по английскому языку. Обычно результаты первого тура известные в день его проведения.
Участники, прошедшие во второй тур, сдают стандартизированный тест на знание английского языка. Этот тест состоит из аудирования и письменной части. Участники второго тура также писали небольшое сочинение на заданную тему. Второй тур, как правило, проходит через 1-2 дня после первого. Все материалы второго тура направляются в Вашингтон для оценки независимой комиссией.
Третий тур проходит через 3-6 недель после проведения второго тура. Сотрудники организации "Американские Советы по международному образованию: ACTR / ACCELS" (American Councils) вновь приезжают в центры тестирования для проведения третьего тура среди участников, которых было отобрано независимой международной комиссией. Перед третьим туром проводится встреча с родителями и участниками. На этой встрече работники American Councils более подробно рассказывают о программе и объясняют, какие затраты покрывает программа участнику. Участники третьего тура получают анкеты. Каждая форма этой анкеты подробно разъясняется участникам и их родителям. На исполнение анкет предоставляется две недели, после этого срока они должны быть возвращены в офис American Councils в г. Киеве. После встречи все участники третьего тура пишут два небольших сочинения на английском языке. С каждым участником проводиться индивидуальное собеседование на английском и родном языках, а также они примут участие в работе групп, состоящих из 5-8 учеников.
Освіта в США После получения анкет от всех участников по каждому центру тестирования документы третьего тура отсылаются в Вашингтон для рассмотрения международной независимой комиссией. Финалисты и альтернативные кандидаты программы будут определены в апреле 2012 года. В настоящее время точное количество финалистов и альтернативных кандидатов, которые будут определены в этом году, неизвестно. После объявления результатов участники программы занимаются подготовкой необходимых документов для получения американской визы. В течение июня и июля каждый из участников обязательно проходит программу предвыездной ориентации (PDO), которая обычно проводится в Киеве. Финалисты программы, выбранные в апреле 2012 года, отправятся в США в августе 2012 года, в Украину вернутся в мае-июне 2013 года.
Даты и места проведения конкурсного отбора
Город Дата проведения Время проведения Адрес
Черкассы 11.09.2011 10:00 Первая городская гимназия, ул. Святотроицкая, 68
Черновцы 10.09.2011 10:00 Черновецкая гимназия № 7, проспект Независимости, 88
Донецк 10.09.2011 09:00 Донецкая гимназия № 92 , улица Пинтера, 20
Тернополь 10.09.2011 09:00 Тернопольская школа № 5 , улица Каменная, 2
Чернигов 17.09.2011 10:00 Черниговская школа № 1, проспект Мира, 40
Винница 17.09.2011 09:00 Винницкая школа № 25 , улица Келецкая, 89
Луганск 17.09.2011 10:00 средняя школа № 5 , ул. Первая Славянская, 1
Николаев 17.09.2011 10:00 школа № 22 , улица Рабочая, 8
Житомир 24.09.2011 10:00 гимназия № 23, ул. Лятошинского, 14
Луцк 24.09.2011 10:00 Луцкая гуманитарная гимназия № 18 , проспект Возрождения, 20а
Кировоград 24.09.2011 10:00 Кировоградский коллегиум , улица Володарского, 25
Ровно 24.09.2011 10:00 школа № 15, ул. Пушкина, 17
г. Запорожье 24.09.2011 09:00 ул. Я.Новицкого, 9, ЗУПК «Основа»
Запорожская область 25.09.2011 09:00 ул. Я.Новицкого, 9, ЗУПК «Основа»
г. Хмельницкий 1.10.11 10:00 школа № 1, ул. Примакова, 2
г. Киев 02.10.2011 10:00 ул. Мельникова, 39, СШ № 61
г. Днепропетровск 08.10.2011 09:00 ул. Космонавтов, 10, учебно-воспитательное объединение № 136
г. Херсон 15.10.2011 10:00 ул. 40 летия Октября, 27, Херсонский академический лицей
Львовская область 15.10.2011 09:00 школа № 93, ул. Кос-Анатольського, 10
г. Львов 16.10.2011 09:00 школа № 93, ул. Кос-Анатольського, 10
г. Полтава 22.10.2011 10:00 ул. Алмазная, 1, школа № 29
г. Одесса 29.10.2011 09:00 проспект Гагарина, 3, СШ № 35
Одесская обл. 31.10.2011 10:00 ул. В. Терешковой, 25а, школа-интернат для слепых детей № 93
г. Сумы 05.11.2011 09:00 ул. Кирова, 136, школа № 1
г. Симферополь (для школьников из города Симферополь) 05.11.2011 09:00 ул. Тамбовская, 34, гимназия № 9
г. Симферополь (для школьников из АРК) 05.11.2011 12:00 ул. Тамбовская, 34, гимназия № 9
Харьковская область 05.11.2011 10:00 г. Харьков, ул. Новгородская, 1, школа № 132
г. Харьков 05.11.2011 12:00 ул. Новгородская, 1, школа № 132
г. Харьков (для школьников с ограниченными физическими возможностями) 08.11.2011 09:00 г. Харьков, ул. Сумская, 55, Областная интернат-гимназия для слепых детей
г. Ивано-Франковск 12.11.2011 09:00 Ивано-Франковская школа № 22, ул.Строителей, 24
Мы советуем конкурсантам проходить тестирование в тест-центре, являющимся ближайшим к их месту жительства. Если конкурсанты пропустили дату тестирования в ближайшем тест-центре, они могут пройти тестирование в любом другом городе. Конкурсанты, которые попытаются пройти тестирование более чем в одном тест-центре, будут дисквалифицированы!
Конечно же, образование за границей можно получить не только в США. Не секрет, что получение высшего образования за границей - реальная возможностиь в дальнейшем претендовать на высокооплачиваемую и престижную должность как в отечественных, так и в зарубежных фирмах. FLEX - это программа для школьников, но участие в ней дает отличную возможность попробовать свои силы, познакомиться с культурой другого государства, а впоследствии и поступить в один из университетов Европы или Соединенных Штатов.
Обсудить программу FLEX и задать вопросы можно на форуме.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Genki helps with discipline

We’ve had plenty of Discipline ideas before if you have several (or a whole class!) of misbehaving kids.
And today’s discipline technique is for when you are lucky (or unlucky!) enough to have just one difficult student.
And it is very simple:
Make them your executive assistant for the day!
He/She comes to the front and helps you out, doing demo discussions, helping explain things etc.
Very often if there is just one problem student in the class it’s because they aren’t being challenged enough.
So making them your assistant can do wonders.
Have you tried this before?  Do let us know how you got on in the comments.
Or check out the previous Discipline ideas
Be genki,

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Comment Competition: Every month I'll select a random comment to win a Genki English CD of your choice. Comment a lot and you have more chance of winning.

Wow, yesterday’s post on the “bad kids at the back” and the proximity trick certainly proved popular.
Judging by the feedback and comments I think there is one more discipline technique we need: The Agreement.
It uses the Pygmalion Effect which refers to the phenomenon in which the greater the expectation placed upon people, often children or students and employees, the better they perform.
But first let me tell you a story from my own school days ….
My class at school was pretty well behaved really.
But one day we had a new temp French teacher.
We could just tell she didn’t have confidence.
So what did some kids do?
They pushed the boundaries to see what they could get away with.
What did she do?  Nothing!
So they pushed some more and more and more.
Each time they could see they were getting at her and it just became a game to see how far they could go.
Eventually she broke down in tears and ran away.  (Yep, seriously!)
It was really like seeing a bunch of wild wolves tearing away at her!
If you can sympathise with that story, The Agreement is what you need.
It’s not all you need, but you do need it.
This one is tough for one off lessons, but if you see the kids more than once it will be revolutionary.
So here we go … Bikers & Police
Whenever humans interact there is always a, usually tacit, unspoken, agreement as to how we should behave.
For example I bet you’d behave differently to a uniformed police officer to how you would behave with  a young baby.
And you’d  behave differently when seeing a dodgy looking biker dude on the street compared with your best friend from college.
It’s just part of who we are.
We assess the situation, think back to how we should behave and change how we act accordingly.
Sleeping & Learning
For all its faults the school system has done a pretty good job of setting up this behaviour and expectations.
The teacher stands at the front.
The students sit quietly in rows sleeping, sorry, learning.
The problems come when this breaks down.
Either from a lack or parents, a lack or parenting or even teachers in lower grades.
They leave some kids just not knowing what is expected of them.
They have no frame of reference or experience to work from.
Or even worse they pick up the bad expectations of their peers.
How far can they go?  Just what is allowed in class?  What can they get away with?
Even the best classes can succumb to this as we saw above.
Luckily this also means that even the worst classes can be turned around! :)
And how do we do this?
By simply setting out, before we start, the expectations of the class.
The agreement between you and them, to see what each side expects of each other.
For example the teacher will set out that they will:
Teach really cool useful stuff (either for life or for exams) in a really fun way.
Respect the kids and listen to what they have to say.
Next you set out what you expect from the kids
E.g. They will:
Act respectfully of each other and the teacher.
Always try their hardest, no matter what.
Speak up and keep trying.
For younger kids keep it really simple.
And of course for older kids it’s always best to ask them to come up with their own ideas.
You’ll get the smart kids saying “We agree to sleep and do nothing.”
So have a discussion about it! Ask them if that’s really want they want to spend their time on.
Usually though, it won’t go this far.
Most kids just want to know what to do and what is expected.
That’s all they ask for.
And if it’s not there they will always act up.
We all want, and need, boundaries so we know what behaviour to go with.
Yes they’ll still push you and push the limits, that’s what kids do.
But just stand firm and stick to the agreement.
And you’ll need some punishments to back you up.
Once everyone knows where they stand and it will solve, not all, but a great deal of the problems.
It sounds crazy doesn’t it?
But just like the proximity trick it’s just these simple steps that separate the great teachers from the chaotic ones!
What I do …
Even now I always do this with every presentation I do.
And those of you who keep a sharp eye on the blog will have noticed than whenever I forget then that’s when things go pear shaped!
You can even make your students smarter by expecting them to be!
I expect all of you to listen to what I say, but not believe it till you’ve tried it.
And I hope you always expect me to always try my best to help you reduce the stress levels whilst coming up with fun ideas to make your classes better.
That’s the way we roll here.
Keep the agreement and we all win! :)
Be genki,
P.S. A few people have asked how you do this if you don’t speak the kids’ language, as obviously it won’t work in English.  I’d always just get another teacher to do it for you.  Or get it written up on the board.  That can be just as effective.  But remember, don’t do this in all classes.  Just the ones you want to be well behaved! :)

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Comment Competition: Every month I'll select a random comment to win a Genki English CD of your choice. Comment a lot and you have more chance of winning.
One of the most popular questions in the surveys is always about discipline and how to keep kids under control.
And contrary to what people often think, a fun class is usually the most disciplined.  (Otherwise it would just descend into chaos!)
Luckily there are a few simple “ninja tactics” to make even the toughest class at least a little easier to handle.
So let’s start with the first (and my favourite) : Proximity!

(A Genki English demo class with 600 kids – easy with these tricks!)
Let’s imagine a traditional classroom set up.
The teacher is at the front with the computer.
The good kids sit down in the first row.
(They are rarely a problem so that’s cool.)
But where do the “bad” kids sit?
Yep, that’s right…
…on the back row!
But the question is…..
Are the comfiest seats there?
Do they have free gummy bears on tap?
Nope, it’s simply because that’s the furthest they can possibly be from the teacher.
Kids instinctively know that the  further away from the teacher they are, the more they can get away with!
So what’s the solution?
Simple, just move nearer to them!
And that’s the basis for the proximity technique.
It sounds just too simple doesn’t it?
And that’s why most teachers don’t use it.
They resort to shouting at the kids.
Sometimes even throwing things.
All whilst stood firmly at the front of the class!
Now think about the best teachers you know.
Where do they stand?
Are they always at the front?
No, very often they’re always moving around.
They slowly move up and down the rows as they talk.
They sometimes explain something at the back of the class.
Then explain the next at the front.
The kids never know where they’ll go next so they’re always on best behaviour.
Just like mixing a fruity birthday cake, you’ve got to keep the motion going so nothing turns sticky and stale!
Sometimes a kid will get a little out of line.
So what does the good teacher do?
They simply move closer and stand by the kids’ desk.
There’s no eye contact, no harsh words, everything just continues as before.
The teacher never misses their story, they just keep going on like before.
When the student has calmed down they simply walk away to somewhere else in the room.
They never need to resort to any negative punishments.
It’s all done with proximity – how close they physically are to the students.
(One other beauty of this is that the “bad” kids often clump together so you can get several of them in one go!)
So the next time you find the kids at the back are too chatty or not paying attention,
Just slowly start moving around the class, gradually stopping by their desks as you talk.
In the vast majority of classes it will make all the difference.
And of course, as with all Genki English techniques, only use it on the classes you want to make better!
If you like this please feel free to share, link to, like it or make a comment.
If it’s popular enough I’ll see if I can share my other top discipline tips with you!
Be genki,
P.S.  If you are reading this on email, if you have a look at the online version there are more discipline tips and videos at the end of this post!

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Similar Posts:

Comment Competition: Every month I'll select a random comment to win a Genki English CD of your choice. Comment a lot and you have more chance of winning.
How would you like a class full of little angels who are all your perfect students?
A lot of the time we talk about actual practical techniques here, but this is something different.
This is how I get great students, for everything, it’s a really simple technique, but it really works.
What do you think?
Be sure to put your comments below.  (Also be sure to put what you have to become in the comments too!)
P.S. The winner of October’s comment competition was Dan!   If you’d like to win a Genki English CD of your choice this month, get commenting below, the more you comment you more chance you have to win!

Press the "+1" button if you like this!

Similar Posts:

Comment Competition: Every month I'll select a random comment to win a Genki English CD of your choice. Comment a lot and you have more chance of winning.
One thing I’m trying to get teachers to do more is to make the initial vocab introduction a bit more fun.  ”Repeat after me” with a list of vocab is really boring!
But doing a story or getting the kids’ opinions can make all the difference in making them lean forward and be interested or leaning back and tuning out!
Simple examples can be asking the kids “What do you think my favourite subject is?” for subjects.  If they shout out one that is in the song, you teach it there and then.  Then tell them you have another favourite subject and ask them to guess what that is. Keep going till all the vocab is taught.  The kids stay fixated to the end, especially when there is only one more to guess!
Or for the Eat, Drink, Dance theme, you can make up stories like ….
Oooo look, I’ve just bought a new robot (one of the students).  What do you think we can make him do?  (Kids shout out stuff).  Ahhh.. but he only understands English instructions!   Ask the kids again what instructions they’d like to give & teach the ones that come up from the song.  Just say “ah, I don’t think he can do that!” for the others.  Again the kids love it when there’s only one more command left and they have to guess it!
It makes it a lot more fun when there’s a “why” to the learning.   Another great idea for the Eat, Drink, Dance theme, which the teachers came up with on Saturday, my birthday, was to say “Oooo, it’s Richard’s birthday today! We’re all going to his party tonight!  What will we do at the party?” and you then introduce the vocab when they kids shout it out and proceed with the lesson plan.
Cops & Robbers
You can also use it for a lot of the songs.  e.g. asking a superhero “Where are you going?”  in the Where are you going? lesson. Or in the “What are you doing?” song get the kids to pretend to be cops and robbers who get annoyed with them.  It’s hilarious and really livens up the chorus of a song – check out the video!

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Comment Competition: Every month I'll select a random comment to win a Genki English CD of your choice. Comment a lot and you have more chance of winning.
(There are lots of videos in today’s post, so if you are on email then click here to see them!)
Today we had a workshop in Shinjuku Tokyo right outside the Ministry of Defence!
One of the requests for was for some card games using the Mini Cards. Now to be honest I don’t really like card games as although they are really fun, the kids tend to spend more time sorting out the cards than speaking English.  But if you really have to use them….
* First do the Do you have any pets? song to get the English in their heads (or whatever theme you are teaching that day)
* Then you could try the   Do you have.. ? Card Game
But as you can see from the video below, you really have to have really good control over the class as otherwise it just turns into chaos!
Shut it down!
I also have no hesitation in shutting a game down right away if the kids stop listening – even the teachers below were a bit surprised!
It is important as otherwise no English gets practiced.
If you forget a rule…
Part way through I noticed I’d forgotten an important rule “Only English during the game” (of course it’s important to use the kids’ native language when explaining the game, but not during the game!)
The clap technique that I show in the Beginner’s Workshop Video doesn’t work when they have cards in their hands, so I had to teach them another class control technique!
Normally you would do only one game for one lesson, but seeing as the teachers wanted to see some more games we just re-used the same English with Island Hopping
And then the minicards version of the Leapfrog Game:
So as you can see I’m not a big fan of card games in class!  I much prefer “no preparation” games like the ones I wrote up in the Genki English Manual as the kids spend way more time actually speaking.
But what do you think?  Answers in the comments please!

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Comment Competition: Every month I'll select a random comment to win a Genki English CD of your choice. Comment a lot and you have more chance of winning.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Learn English Kids

Welcome to the latest LearnEnglish Kids newsletter.


We hope you've all had a great August. For September we've added a whole new section to the LearnEnglish Kids website. We hope you and your learners like our new grammar monster too!

Our new grammar section on LearnEnglish Kids includes grammar videos, grammar games, printable worksheets, grammar reference cards, quizzes and downloadable tests.
The grammar section is aimed at children aged between 9 and 12 years and covers a total of 30 grammar points. Let us know what you think of it. As always we welcome your feedback. 

In our Grammar videos section children can watch Gran as she explains English grammar to Kitty and Max. Look out for Hero the hamster too!

After children have watched the videos they can download the grammar reference cards to help them remember the grammar rules. Learners can also complete the worksheets to check their understanding of the videos and practise their English grammar at the same time.

Children can have fun playing our Grammar games. They can practise English word order games, gap fill games and learn English grammar as they race to write correct sentences.

There are downloadable grammar worksheets for more practice as well as grammar reference cards to give learners extra help.
They can even collect the reference cards, personalise them and then make their own grammar book!

In our  Grammar quizzes section children have to find the correct and incorrect sentences and then, if they register on the site, they can send in their own sentences in English.

Then they can go to our Grammar tests section to check their understanding, read the grammar rule one more time and finally download the grammar tests to see how much they have remembered.


Завдяки нашому конкурсу «Станьте нашим співавтором» ми отримали від вас дійсно багато корисних та цікавих матеріалів, які стали основою для створення наших книжок 2011-2012 років.
Ми вважаємо це також корисним і для вас, тому вирішили продовжити цю плідну співпрацю та зворотній зв'язок.
Ми знаємо, що Ви – справжні професіонали, креативні вчителі, творчі особистості. У Вас є чим поділитися з колегами. Ми сподіваємось, що ви хочете стати співавтором однієї з наших книжок у 2013 році. І цей конкурс саме для Вас!!!
Познайомтесь із умовами подачі матеріалів та термінами проведення конкурсу «Станьте нашим співавтором» та надсилайте Ваші розробки до нашої редакції або електронною поштою (
Мета конкурсу: зібрати й надрукувати найцікавіші роботи вчителів англійської мови в нових посібниках у 2013 році.

Матеріал повинен бути у друкованому вигляді, обсяг — 35—40 тисяч знаків (декілька статей та розробок уроків на певну тему, що вважається актуальною для викладання англійської мови). Шрифт – Times New Roman, розмір — 12—14. Додайте електронний носій. Заявка з особистими даними, дозволом на публікацію та підписом обов’язкова.
Найцікавіші матеріали будуть надруковані в нових посібниках та книжках у 2012 році, а їх автори отримають призи.
Пріоритетними вважатимуться роботи, які будуть супроводжуватися копією квитанції про передплату одного із наших видань мінімальним терміном на три місяці.

Учителі, які посядуть 1—3 місця, будуть нагороджені комплектом книжок видавництва «Шкільний світ» та дипломами, вони також отримають авторські примірники книжок.
Номінанти отримають заохочувальні призи, дипломи та авторські примірники книжок.

1. «Портфоліо вчителя іноземної мови» (останній день подачі матеріалів — 1 грудня 2012 року).
2. «Англійська мова. Вдалий старт. 1 клас» (останній день подачі матеріалів — 1 березня 2013 року).
3. «Соціокультурна компетенція. Нестандартні уроки» (останній день подачі матеріалів — 1 липня 2013 року).
4. «Вчимо стратегіям письма. 1—9 класи» (останній день подачі матеріалів — 1 листопад 2013 року).

Тож беріть участь і перемагайте! Чекаємо на Ваші роботи з поміткою «На конкурс стань співавтором книжки 2013».
Команда газети “English”