Friday, February 3, 2012

Кириченко Валентина Іванівна

Кириченко В.І.

Візитка вчителя

Вчитель: Я гадаю, що гарну візитку вчителю, можуть дати тільки учні. То ж запрошую дівчаток до слова.

Pupil 1: Let us introduce our English teacher and class master Valentyna Ivanivna.
Pupil 2: She was born on July, 5, 1980 in Vepryk. She went to our local school. After finishing it Valentyna Ivanivna entered to Kharkiv national university. In 2003 she began to work in Vepryk secondary school English teacher.
Pupil 1: She is clever, kind and beautiful woman. Our teacher always ready to help us and other pupils. She loves children that’s why she has chosen a profession of the teacher.
Pupil 2: Valentyna Ivanivna has a family: husband Volodymyr and son Yurii. He goes to school in the 6 form. She loves her family very much.
Her hobby is reading interesting book, travelling and cooking.
Pupil 1: at the English lesson she learns us a lot of useful and important things. Her lessons are always interesting. She wants that pupils study English very well. And we try to do it. We like English and our teacher.
                       Іноземна дивна мова
 Так потрібна зараз всім.
Особливо в цих умовах,
Особливо молодим.

Коли ринкова система
Завойовує весь світ,
Ах, чому було б не вчити
Іноземну стільки літ.

Чи будуть із нас дипломати,
Посли англійські – все одно.
Усі ми в мріях поліглоти,
А мова ця у світ вікно.     

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